Adapt Recap - September 2024

In the September 24 edition of Adapt Recap, Simon covers the new mobile body attribute and the introduction of how feedback is given on questions with the display correctness attribute.

Show notes

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Welcome back to Adapt Recap. It’s September 2024 and I’m going to be covering some of the latest developments by both the Adapt community and Core team.

Firstly, there’s a new feature called Mobile body. Anyone listening to this is likely aware of Mobile instruction, which existed in Adapt for a long time. This feature has been really useful for components which operate differently on mobile and desktop devices, the narrative component being a good example of this.

Up until now, if you wanted to include different text from mobile to desktop in your body you would have to use custom CSS solutions to change between different devices. With the introduction of this new mobile body feature, it’s possible for authors to just use the separate attribute and fill it in there.

Moving on to the next new feature called display correctness, which improves how question marking is shown to the learner. So currently in Adapt Feedback is currently given through two options - Display model answer and display marking. If these are both enabled you’ll see an icon at the bottom telling the learner if they're right or wrong and then another marking icon next to the option selected telling the learner if that was a correct answer. The learner has to press the “show correct answer” to see the correct answer and then can continue to use this button as a toggle between the state of showing the correct and selected answers.

The Adapt Core team thinks that this could lead to confusion in learners who may understand the relationship between these two states or, for example if they’ve progressed on through the course and then returned the question, they may not understand which state they are currently in.

In addition, for questions where the designer has assigned more correct answers then can be selected, it won’t show all the options that could have been selected by the learner.

The proposed solution is to add a new option called can show correctness, which will always show feedback, right or wrong, next to every answer with additional styling being applied so the learner knows which choice they made. This feature is still being worked on, so if you have any thoughts on how this could be implemented you can give your suggestions on the Github issue. I’ve included the link to this in the show notes.

That wraps up this month's episode. I’m really looking forward to any feedback you can give about the new format. So please feel free to direct any feedback to

Thanks again and see you next month!