Adapt Framework

How do I add labels to navigation buttons?

Adapt gives you the option of adding text labels to your navigation buttons. You have flexible options for their positions. And you can display them for some device widths and hide them for others.

Chuck Lorenz Chuck Lorenz
  Updated at  02 Aug, 2023
Plugin Checklist 2023 Update

We're updating our recommended plugins to reflect some of the new components and extensions that are now available to the Adapt community. Change list General Updated comments Changed recommended FW and AAT version Components Replaced image-juxstapose for Before and after Readded Chat component - Recently been updated to Version 5,

Simon Date Simon Date
  Updated at  09 May, 2023
Working with Adapt's Vanilla icons
Working with Adapt's Vanilla icons

The Adapt e-learning framework supplies an icon font. Manipulating it is a bit different from manipulating images. Learn about styling these icons, adding icons, and even swapping out the entire font.

Chuck Lorenz Chuck Lorenz
  Updated at  20 Mar, 2023
Generate Vanilla's colors for button states

Learn how to generate and preview the colors Adapt's Vanilla theme uses for the Hover and Selected states of buttons.

Chuck Lorenz Chuck Lorenz
  Updated at  11 Nov, 2022
Adding Font Awesome to a theme

Font Awesome is a font and icon toolkit used to add icons to a web project. It's used on hundreds of thousands of sites. It's even the icon pack of choice for the Adapt Authoring Tool Some clients may be interested in an Adapt theme that uses these icons, rather

Simon Date Simon Date
  Updated at  05 Nov, 2021
How to find the version of an Adapt framework and more

Use these strategies to locate the version number of an Adapt framework, authoring tool, or plugin. Strategies for uncovering the version number... ...of an authoring tool: 1. Login into the Adapt authoring tool. 2. Inspect the application html using the browser's developer tools. ‐ Chrome OS/Windows: Ctrl+Shift+I ‐ Mac

Chuck Lorenz Chuck Lorenz
  Updated at  03 Nov, 2021

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